Kingdom of god

What We Believe

What We Believe

Kingdom of God Revelation Ministries is a Bible foundation-based ministry called to teach, preach the Gospel (Good-News) of the Kingdom of Heaven/God for the purposes of reaching the lost that they be reconciled back to right relationship, fellowship, sonship, and citizenship in the Kingdom of God because the Son of Man, our Saviour, was crucified on the Cross and is risen first born from the dead and is now our High Priest set down at the right hand of the throne of God till His enemies be made His footstool.

  • WE preach the reason all men are to Repent is [Mat 4:17] for, The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand
  • WE present Jesus Christ is Messiah King of the Kingdom of Heaven, the Person of Salvation, the only means of salvation for mankind [Jhn 14:6]
  • WE teach the saints of God are to walk with Jesus throughout His life and ministry (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) as being one of His disciples learning from the Chief Corner Stone that no man having put his hand to the plow [Luk 9:62] is to every look back
  • WE proclaim we as redeemed children of light, no longer our own, and are HIS prized possession, purchased by the shedding of His blood upon the Cross [Mar 15:25]
  • WE herald the Kingdom of God in teaching the message of the Kingdom of Heaven, God sent Jesus [Luk 4:43] to preach [Mat 25:31-34] and sent us to do the same [Mat 28:19-20]
  • WE preach all things concerning Jesus’ life and ministry, and Him crucified [Luk 23:33] – death, burial, and resurrection – and He’s coming back
  • WE teach the Kingdom of Heaven eternal [Mat 6:13], right now in the Believers on Jesus Christ, and is in us (righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost), and is yet to come in full manifestation when Jesus returns [Rev 21:1-8].
  • WE teach the born again, from the pulpit to the pews, have all been given the ministry [2Co 5:18] of reconciliation:
  • WE teach, the saints of God are the ambassadors for Christ, His diplomat re-presenters, His royal priesthood [1Pet 2:9]:
  • WE declare God’s children are the salt of the earth, the oracles of God sent into the highways and hedges to compel [Luk 14:23] whosoever to believe on Jesus Christ, that they too be called out of darkness:
  • WE teach, preach and demonstrate that our restoration as sons of God now residing in the Kingdom [Col 1:13] of HIS marvelous light are positioned to live out our personal dominion to reign over the sphere of our life:
  • WE teach, we are to fulfill all righteousness – be baptized [Act 2:41] not to get saved, but because we are saved and openly identify with Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection:
  • WE declare we are to put on the new man and put to death the old man [Eph 4] moment-to-moment, day to day as we partake [2Pet 1:1-11] of HIS divine nature.